- Primal Languages



“It is not easy to find such structured and high-quality materials that can be used, that are also student friendly. The platform organizes the lessons in a very easy to comprehend manner and the contents are excellent quality.”

– Sebastian de la Horra,
Founder of Primal Languages

- Primal Languages


Who are we?

My name is Sebastian de la Horra, and I started an online languages academy called Primal Languages while living in Perú a couple of years ago. I realized that there was a great opportunity to help people learn English and Spanish for specific purposes, as these languages are very important for many careers and not many schools offer this specialized option at a reasonable price.

Why and how do we use English4Work?

With the help of one of the teachers in my academy I started researching some materials or platforms we could use to teach our sessions, and in this process, we came across English4Work. Immediately we realized the platform and materials were perfect for our goal of teaching Medical English and also English for Business.

We started using the materials of Medical English for our “English for Doctors” course, which consists of a couple of lessons a week using the English4Work materials, in combination with a Role-Play workbook to help students practice real live medical situations, and “scientific – articles” translation sessions on the weekend to teach translation techniques for research papers. In this way we provide a comprehensive experience for medical professionals and students, looking to improve their abilities in a way that will be useful to them in real life practice.
We register students through our website first, and then with the help of one of the teachers we assess their current English level to get assigned to groups of either basic, intermediate or advanced English, so we can personalize the program adapted to the group’s level.

What do we appreciate most about English4Work?

We consider English4Work our main partner to accomplish our organization’s purpose, and after using the tools in their website, we definitely saw a more structured and rich learning experience for our students, who are more satisfied with our courses!

We are currently in the process of developing new programs for other fields, and we will definitely continue to use the Enligh4Work platform to enhance and structure our courses and improve our clients’ experience with our academy.

Want to see what you can accomplish with English4Work?

Find the right fit for you among our many tiers and modules, or get the package.